He persuaded the Exile to destroy Goto's yacht, had his hunters take out the remaining Serenno gang and the Exchange and then set up special traps to destroy the Genoharadan. Vogga was responsible for ridding the refugee sector of all criminal activity outside of his own. He helped both of them go in the right direction in their lives, getting the Exile fuel for Citadel Station in Telos and making Filose give up the mercenary business. These people included, but were not limited to, the Exile and Filose Naj. Vogga dealt with many individuals throughout his long life and helped them along their way. He would move to Nar Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta, where he would start up his own crime syndicate to challenge the Exchange and the local crime lord Goto. He was brought up to be a criminal and a crime lord, like many other Hutts were and was able to follow through on his dreams.
Vogga the Hutt was a Hutt born on the planet Nal Hutta.